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MEF seeks to eliminate a 5% tax on those who rent property for up to 2,566 soles per month

In the development of the delegation of powers requested by the Executive power to the Congress of the Republic, the government will propose support measures for people with lower incomes, such as those whose only income is renting a property.

And it is that, currently, the First Category Income Tax (IR), which is levied on rents, works with a fixed rate that is paid for each transaction, and which is the same for those who have income from renting a property as their sole means of subsistence, such as those with large income from renting estate and other sources of income.

One of the principles of the country’s tax policy is progressivity, which refers to the tax burden being according to the contributory capacity of each person. In Peru, the taxation of earned income is progressive, since they are taxed at rates that increase as income increases. contributors.

In this sense, a proposed measure is that the first category income (leasing of movable and immovable property) be applied the progressive cumulative scale that is applied to the sum of fourth category income (independent work), fifth category income (dependent work) and foreign source income. In this way the annual deduction of 7 UI would also be applied to rental incomeT (30,800 soles), with higher payment percentages for those with high incomes.

This will allow the rental tax to be progressive and fairer, since only people who exceed a certain threshold would pay.

In the case of people who only have as monthly income the rent of a property less than 2,566 soles, this would not pay tax, which would eliminate their current payment of 5% of the rent that represents a payment of tax up to 128 soles per month.

With this modification, it is possible to give progressivity to the rental income, in addition to equalizing its tax treatment to that of work income currently.

The proposed measure seeks that the tax applied to leases is a progressive tax. In this way, those with lower incomes will pay little or nothing, and those with high incomes will pay more.


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